Fast and Efficient Content Migration to Sitecore

The Challenge
The National Education Association Member Benefits (NEAMB), a subsidiary of the National Education Association (NEA), offers discounts and benefits on travel, insurance, finance, and more for teachers.
As part of the NEAMB site redesign, was migrated from a legacy CMS to Sitecore. One of the challenges in the migration process was moving all the existing content to the new Sitecore system.
Armed with the experience of previous projects and already running the NEAMB Build Project on Sitecore, Oshyn could simultaneously coordinate the data migration process.

The Solution
Oshyn worked closely with the editorial team to define a tentative schedule that began with automated content migration. Due to a change in the project structure as a result of the new site redesign, Oshyn’s team worked with the client to ensure the content was organized properly and handled some migration scenarios manually.
Content migration between two systems is always challenging. Performing a content migration while building a new website can lead to cross over issues where changes in code can impact content.
To prevent such situations from derailing the project, Oshyn created an efficient communication system between the development and content teams that included clarification of dependencies and bi-weekly check-ins.
The Outcome
The content was successfully migrated in time for the website relaunch. The use of Siteport helped to make the process more efficient and reduced the expected content migration time
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