5 Signs That Sitecore Is Serious About MACH Architecture

Jan 26, 2022
MACH architecture is a modular approach to building a technology stack. MACH architecture supports the composable DXP, a platform consisting of best-of-breed SaaS solutions that offer a nimbler alternative to the more traditional, monolithic architecture proposed by DXP vendors such as Oracle.
In 2021 MACH really got traction, and Sitecore has become increasingly interested in MACH architecture. This shouldn’t come as a surprise; Sitecore already believes in the potential of composable platforms, and they’re known early adopters of technologies.
As other software vendors, platforms, and agencies understand the potential benefits of composable architecture, we’re about to experience a surge in the popularity of modular architecture. Also, as Sitecore itself moves toward becoming a fully cloud-native CMS, the interest doesn’t come entirely as a surprise.
1. They’re Adopting The “Composable” Tag
This new buzzword was everywhere at the 2021 Sitecore Symposium. Together with MACH, microservices, headless. However, composable is the word that is quickly being adopted to describe software that is friendly to the new enterprise architectural paradigms. Sitecore has done a great job, especially with its acquisitions, when it comes to communicating the importance of composable architecture for business tech stacks. Also, with the announcement of Sitecore’s frontend-as-a-service offering “Symphony, it seems that composability is here to stay even at the expense of other products now seen as legacy platforms.
2. Sitecore Is Moving Away from Legacy Products
Sitecore’s strategy is evolving. They’re moving from the monolithic architecture towards an entirely composable future. This is not to alarm anyone, but it’s important for enterprises using Sitecore to know that today might not be the time to invest in Sitecore legacy products like Sitecore XP when the company’s future seems to lie in the composable architecture.
Actually, when you study Sitecore’s list of acquisitions, you see that there’s a high degree of overlap between what Sitecore XP offers and what Sitecore is currently trying to build via acquisitions. Maybe in a couple of years, Sitecore will offer a “hybrid” option that enables old clients to stay on Sitecore XP and migrate to the composable option.
The same happens with Sitecore Headless, which Sitecore will support for a bit longer. Still, if you were thinking of implementing Sitecore JSS, it might be better not to as JSS could be replaced by a whole new set of libraries in the near future.
3. Sitecore’s Flurry of Acquisitions Are a Bet On Composability
During the 2021 Sitecore Symposium, the company announced the Sitecore Explorer Manager Cloud launch – a fully cloud-native CMS offering. While this comes as no surprise to Sitecore veterans, who might remember it being mentioned in 2020, it certainly has been reflected in Sitecore’s acquisition of other cloud-based platforms such as Reflektion, whose AI capabilities will probably become part of Sitecore Discover.
However, there’s a downside to this, for instance, products like Sitecore CDP, based on Boxever that enable personalization and user click tracking, feel like a complete replacement for Sitecore xDB, so if a customer is trying to implement that, you may be doing that for no reason at all, as it may be gone soon.
4. They Have Dedicated Resources To The Topic
A core element in Sitecore’s SaaS strategy is support for creating a composable DXP, a term that is featured in much of the messaging. Sitecore’s new emphasis on the composable DXP means the company advocates for MACH architecture even if they’re not part of the MACH Alliance per se. In fact, they have a dedicated web page relating to the topic and have also created a video that explains the basics of MACH to its audience, ensuring that they have a say in the conversation.
By opening a space for non-MACH software vendors, Sitecore is also democratizing MACH to other people outside of the Alliance, making it an open term and not a secret club, which would be without Sitecore spearheading the conversation.
5. Sitecore Commerce Seems Composable, Too
Sitecore Experience Commerce, although powerful, can be a bit unwieldy, and some functionality issues could impact the platform. Even though Sitecore did a great job integrating it with Sitecore Experience Platform to deliver better personalization and eCommerce capabilities, the acquisition of Four51, a fully MACH-certified platform, moves Sitecore toward composability and MACH. Plus, it seems that the acquisition will bring more stability to Sitecore as it will enhance the platform’s eCommerce engine without the workarounds and drawbacks of Sitecore XC, so, if you’re looking for an eCommerce solution within Sitecore, this could be a great moment to think beyond Sitecore XC.
Oshyn Can Help You Become Composable
As a Sitecore partner, Oshyn can help you figure out which combination of Sitecore products is right for you, even as the Sitecore ecosystem evolves.
With Oshyn, you have access to an extensive Sitecore experience that you can leverage to maximize the benefits of Sitecore implementations. Through Oshyn’s DevOps for Sitecore and Uptime solution, you can take advantage of MACH architecture to create refined processes, personalized experiences and ensure you can optimize and scale your software effectively.